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Planning for Your Summer Garden

Shirley Chibuoke

Have you started to plan your summer garden? You could be starting some seeds indoors and planting directly in the garden now!

Around this time last year our Business Development Manager, Lindsay, spent a week getting set up with an indoor seed starting station. She bought a tiny greenhouse to keep indoors, some seedling trays, and some grow lights and used some awesome locally grown seeds. ⠀

It was her first time starting indoors and actually planning her garden- usually she'd just throw seeds in the ground and see what happens (maybe that’s your plan too)! ⠀

"I've learned a lot from @nikijabbour’s book 'The Year Round Vegetable Gardener' and got a cold frame going in the fall to keep some veggies growing into the colder months" said Lindsay.⠀

Using an old window she found on the side of the road and some plastic, she made this cold frame (photo on the right) and planted seeds back at the end of March. Here are photos of the cold frame from May 19th (left photos) and May 30th (middle photo), just 11 days apart!

Planted in these are carrots, kale, turnip, radish and spinach!

So, you really don't need anything fancy to start a garden!

Did you know that four of our vendors offer a variety of seeds to help you get started? Below is a list of what’s in stock right now (including a ton of tomato varieties). Click the links to go directly to the seeds and seedlings.⠀

From Beneath the Boughs Nursery and Pottery

From Herbal Hill Farm

Succulents and Cacti




From Olde Furrow Farm



Medicinal herbs and other herbs

From Seven Acres Farm⠀


Happy Planting!

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