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Wine Pairings For A Great Nova Scotian Hodgepodge

Shirley Chibuoke

creamy hodgepodge in a bowl

Hodgepodge has forever been enjoyed as a summer dish in Nova Scotia. Farmers Markets of Nova Scotia did a poll on social media to find out how Nova Scotian's preferred their Hodgepodge, here's what they had to say:

"We conducted a survey on our social media channels to see how our audience enjoys their hodgepodge, but we didn’t expect such controversy to surface. All in the spirit of a good meal, we learned that to call Nova Scotians passionate about their hodgepodge would be an understatement. Many recalled positive childhood memories about their family’s recipe, and proudly shared their favourite additions to this traditional dish.

74% of participants in our online survey liked their hodgepodge classic, while 26% enjoyed it with a twist. Some choose to add protein like fresh haddock fillets towards the end of cooking, crispy bacon as a garnish, pan fried scallops, or even hot dogs! Some enjoy theirs with a generous handful of herbs such as dill, thyme or chives. Some adapt the recipe in order to include a variety of vegetables throughout the summer and fall."

We've asked local wineries what wine they would pair with a Nova Scotian hodgepodge, read on to see what they said!

NV brut wine from Benjamin Bridge, dark bottle with black label on a wooden table

"We would recommend our NV Brut to accompany a hodgepodge dish! An abundance of saline minerality from our Maritime terroir combined with vibrant acidity makes our NV Brut an excellent pairing with this signature Nova Scotian dish."

Shop this wine here!

L'Acadie from Grandpre held by someone, dark bottle with white and red label

Domaine de Grand Pre offered two options:

"Hodgepodge, as a creamy dish, would typically be paired with a more buttery oaked wine however for a lighter option that still has some roundness and provides a nice contrast of fresh acidity we chose our L'Acadie Blanc. Also given this wine is Nova Scotia's signature white grape paired with a classic local dish it makes for a wonderful regional pairing.

Champlain from Grandpre on a table near strawberries, dark bottle with black label and gold writing

If you'd like to go a little more untraditional, our sparkling Champlain would also make a great accompaniment!"

Shop their L'Acadie Blanc and their Champlain!

Shop all wine Here

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